January 2025
Analytical English is here to make your transition into the new year as seamless as always. Though you no doubt had your fill of sweets, make some room for “Chimney Cake: A Timeless Treat with Modern Appeal.” This Hungarian / Romanian pastry will have you booking a flight to Europe in no time. While on the plane, you can contemplate the temperature with “The Chill Up There.” It turns out that there are a host of good reasons why aircraft cabins are kept cool, even if it is somewhat uncomfortable for passengers. If you’re tempted to quit your job, take a look at “Japan’s Workers Turn to Resignation Agencies” and learn about
the struggle these workers have to face just to simply leave their place of work. Last but
not least, find out about different road designs and how your city could be made better for
all in “Street Design Matters: Car-Centric vs Community-Focused.” We hope you start 2025
with new inspiration, fresh insights, and a world of possibilities!
January 2025
Analytical English is here to make your transition into the new year as seamless as always. Though you no doubt had your fill of sweets, make some room for “Chimney Cake: A Timeless Treat with Modern Appeal.” This Hungarian / Romanian pastry will have you booking a flight to Europe in no time. While on the plane, you can contemplate the temperature with “The Chill Up There.” It turns out that there are a host of good reasons why aircraft cabins are kept cool, even if it is somewhat uncomfortable for passengers. If you’re tempted to quit your job, take a look at “Japan’s Workers Turn to Resignation Agencies” and learn about
the struggle these workers have to face just to simply leave their place of work. Last but
not least, find out about different road designs and how your city could be made better for
all in “Street Design Matters: Car-Centric vs Community-Focused.” We hope you start 2025
with new inspiration, fresh insights, and a world of possibilities!
- 文意選填 The Yips on the Field: When Routine Becomes a Challenge 下一位上場的是…… 運動失憶症!
- 詞彙測驗
- 克漏字 Chimney Cake: A Timeless Treat with Modern Appeal 轉吧~ 轉吧~ 金黃酥脆的煙囪捲
- 翻譯
- 閱讀測驗 Street Design Matters: Car-Centric vs Community-Focused 車行與步行 如何找出和諧新之道?
- 閱讀測驗 Street Design Matters: Car-Centric vs Community-Focused 車行與步行 如何找出和諧新之道?
- 主題寫作 Daily Habits to Reduce Plastic Waste 減塑 L et’s G o
- 篇章結構 The Chill Up There 機艙冷颼颼 保護多更多
- 新聞英語 Three Taiwanese among Time’s Most Influential in AI 三位臺灣之光入選 《時代》AI 百人榜
- 科普園地 Understanding What Alcohol Can and Can’t Kill 動手噴一噴 細菌病毒馬上 O UT !
- 閱讀測驗 The Laughing Chorus of the Kookaburra 笑翠鳥生存的祕密武器:魔性笑聲
- 文意選填 The Rise of Passwordless Authentication: A Safer Digital Future 無密碼驗證:解鎖數位安全新時代
- 閱讀測驗 Fountains: A Timeless Symbol of Human Ingenuity 噴泉:人類智慧的永恆見證
- 信函寫作 A Fan’s Gross Act Raises Hygiene Concerns 粉絲行為太誇張 我寫信給唱片行!
- 混合題型 The Dangers of Endocrine Disruptors 小心!是環境荷爾蒙
- 克漏字 Hanging Up on Telephobia 打字打得快,鈴響心慌慌 電話恐懼有解方
- 篇章結構 Paying with Plastic: A Brief History of Credit Cards 用塑膠付款?信用卡的前世今生
- 混合題型 A Window into Yunlin 我在雲林 徜徉古意 遊覽勝跡
- 混合題型 A Window into Yunlin 我在雲林 徜徉古意 遊覽勝跡
- 解析文法 動詞 - 6